Friday, July 16, 2010

My lovely 23rd Birthday Cake from Perla!!! Delicious~!!!!
Guess what??.... All for the price of $10. It's Lemon Cake. (Top layer of sour lemon gel with 3 layers of vanilla sponges that has fresh cream and chocolates sandwiched in between. Then covered with fresh cream~!!) It is the only fresh cream that me and my family eats off a cake... So good~!!! =)

Before midnight strikes, I just would like to thank all of the encouragement and well wishes that I have received be it through this blog or from my family and friends and a Happy 23rd Birthday to myself~!! =)

Turning 23 is.... I cannot even believe it! The last time I remember I was still that 16 year old kid in secondary school acting all crazy and enjoying life. Fast forward so many years, now here I am typing away on my precious maccie..... I cannot believe how time just flies. All of a sudden I am all grown up but yet trapped in this ED spiral which is hindering me from achieving all the normacy and happiness that I envisioned for myself when I was very much younger. ED shattered all my chances of happiness and I am hell bent on fighting it!

Today ED was so freaking irritated! It didn't even have a chance to pop into my mind today after dinner. I was way too happy! Yes, I polished my whole cake with the help of my mum and sister. ED would love to torment me but seriously, I am so happy that it doesn't even have a chance to squeeze in any sort of comments. It is so outta my life for now and I feel great! How I wish every single moment of my life I could enjoy normacy. I wish that ED had been left in the past and turning 23 today, I have banished it from my life! Hopefully I stay this positive from now on!

Yes, today I fought and won ED yet again. Managed to eat, eat and eat. As what I told the other girls, we have to eat our way to happiness and health after being all miserable for so long. Truly eating better and winning the battles against ED puts me in a more confident place because I know that I might and will have a chance towards health and happiness. I want to be healthy. I want to be happy. I want to be able to have the energy and concentration to invest in the rest of the things that are truly important to me and not ED! I want to be able to turn into an independent and reliable individual and provide the best for my family and friends. I want to be able to live till a ripe of age and age gracefully. Life is more than just worrying about calories and food. Food is meant to nourish my body and brain and calories are essential for me to live on. There are no bad or good food. Moderation is the key word! Happiness and a strong sense of self-worth are of utmost importance! =)

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your cake looks delicious, and I hope you enjoyed it. You will get back to a place of normalcy and happiness as you continue to fight against your ED. Hope your birthday is full of happiness... you deserve it!
