Monday, July 19, 2010

After yesterday's shout out of victory to myself, today I am in a totally shit position. Why do I end up bingeing when I have the intention to restrict?? It is like ED is back with a vengeance! It seems to say since you want to eat, just eat everything in sight and go hunt for all the ice-cream and chocolates that you can stuff yourself with. Turn into a whale for all I want!

I wonder is it that because I didn't start off my day right?? Today I woke up with a determination to restrict but..... I guess from tomorrow onwards, I have to do better. Start the day off right to prevent ED from taking charge again. I am not gonna give up fighting because I really want to have a shot at a life free of ED!!

**Keep on fighting!! Don't attempt to throw in the towel yet!!!**

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you are having a hard day. Keep fighting! You are stronger than the eating disorder. You don't have to throw in the towel... you can always take back ground from the ED. Your day isn't wasted or ruined, and you can always learn from what happened.
