Friday, July 9, 2010

I feel like I have to keep this blog to be accountable to both myself and the blog-o-sphere. ED is slowly eating me up and I am putting up a fierce fight against it! But why, why, why???? Why everytime when I start out the day full of hope that I would fight ED and take it down but come meal time I start to ask for smaller portions or choose ultra safe options?!?! But at least during dinner I eat more, like more than normal. I think it's more like a binge. =( I hate myself. I hate my weak will. All the more I do not know why do I hate myself so much to still keep myself in this state?!?!?!

I fooled everyone, from the doctors to my family, that I am doing perfectly fine and well but, I am not! In fact, I am getting worse. I feel more and more depressed, useless, and suicidal as the days passes. I totally hate that I let myself still be in here!!! In the arms of ED!!! Even if I do eat or eat more, I start thinking of it and the guilt just keeps biting. Why can't I just have a normal meal and not think about it?... I wished that I did not keep thinking about the extra birthday cake that I had yesterday! I wished that I did not worry about eating a little too much!! I am so confused and so frustrated at the same time! I do not appreciate the body I see in the mirror. No way I like seeing myself so skinny and bony and sallow but why when the time come to do the right thing, I panic and chicken out of it?! I really hate myself!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the comment on my blog dear... and please know that it is entirely possible for you to recover. I know it feels like you are so deep inside a hole that you will never get out, but as long as you keep trying, it WILL get better.

    Recovery SUCKS, and it is probably one of the hardest things you will ever do in your life... but that doesn't mean it's impossible. Push yourself - push the monster inside your head until it shouts louder than ever before. The beginning is so tough, but once you push through that barrier and allow yourself to eat a weight-gain diet, you will feel so much better.

    Recovery can be such a beautiful thing if you let it. Try not to focus on the negative... you can do it!
    <3 Tat
